Thursday, January 14, 2010

The weight loss battle...

Why does losing weight have to be so hard? I am currently eating cooked broccoli at 11:40PM trying to satisfy my chewing craving. Lets just say its not doing the job. The real battle: fat and happy or skinny and miserable. This is the, albeit dramatic, question I chant in my head every time I get that craving...after the kids go to bed...for Dove Caramel Pecan Perfection. Most times the "fat and happy" wins, but every morning after I'm quietly cursing myself for being such a weight loss failure...
I truely believe that food is just as much of an addiction as drugs and alcohol, often times leading to fatal results. You don't think its really a problem until you step on that scale (ahhh!) and realize how bad its gotten. Could I really have let myself get this big? I look at pictures from highschool, a mere 7 years ago, and don't recognize that girl. She must still be in there somewhere, but its going to be a long time before I see her again!
I guess it all comes down to a battle of wills. Right now, no thanks to the broccoli, skinny and (maybe not SO) miserable is winning. We will see how long that lasts...afterall, it is only midnight!

1 comment:

  1. I think a huge part of the late night cravings for me, and most moms, is the fact that there are no little hands trying to grab a bite! Seriously though, it's so hard to sit down and eat a "normal" meal after a whole day of taking care of your family, and most nights I cook supper and then it doesn't even taste good, to me, b/c I'm so tired by then. But then Alex goes to bed, I get to curl up on the couch and relax and BAM I want something to eat. Believe me, you're not the only one battling the late night food demons!!!
